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Rescue a Cymbidium bulb.

As a beginner of the Vancouver Orchid Society  I'm attending classes where we learn about different kinds of orchids, how to take care of them, about conditions of detention, and so on. Also we have practical lessons, such as re-potting, and even pollination of orchids. But today I want to share with you my experience how to make grow Cymbidium bulb. In general, it is simple, but any way, I'm going to  describe my experience, and maybe someone will need this information.
Once a member of the society brought a huge overgrown  half- dried (after frostbite) Cymbidium bush into the class. Thus, as a practical lesson, it was showed us how to divide and re-pot it. As soon it was done, a lot of dead bulbs went in the trash, and some of alive bulbs were given away. I've got this one.

A month later, the Cymbidium bulb showed a sprout. What I've done:

1.  I freed it from the dry leaves, and cut off all  dead roots, and treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to prevent rotting (not only the roots, but the bulb as well)

2. On the bottom of the glass bottle I put pebbles and poured a bit water. Water should not cover the pebbles. 

3. The bulb and roots should not touch the water. I covered the bottle by plastic, and put it in the warm place. Checked it out once per week.
 4. After 3-4 weeks a small sprout appeared  and I planted it in a  mix for Cymbidiums

 It spent some time under the plastic.

Nowadays, slowly but surely it's growing.

Cymbidium >>>

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