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Bl. Mem. Bernice Foster

This beautiful orchid was presented me by my friend Jim Poole. He is a passionate and dedicated orchid-lover. In fact, he is a professional in this area. 
 So let's see, what kind of environment does Bl. Mem. Bernice Foster require.
This is a compact growing Brassolaelia hybrid that is easy to grow and bloom.
This plant prefers medium to medium/high light, approximately 1500-2500 foot-candles. East or Southern windows work best. Can be grown outside under shade.
50% or higher is ideal. Thick-leaved plants such as this do not suffer from low humidity.

This plant will tolerate municipal water if the pH is below 7.5. Water as the medium dries out. When in bud or flower it is important to keep the mix moist at the root system or you may develop bud blast where the buds abort due to the lack of moisture.
Use GrowMore 20-10-20 Ureafree for municipal or well water. Use at the rate of ½ teaspoon per gallon. If using rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis water, add back in 5 - 10% municipal or well water to supply the necessary calcium and magnesium. Fertilize every other watering in the summer and every third watering in the winter.
We also highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle every time you water.
This plant can bloom more than once per year; it generally blooms the summer months. It produces yellow star-shaped flowers. 1 to 3 flowers per flower spike is an average flower count.
Bloom Season:


Repot into plastic or clay pots using a medium orchid bark mixture once every 12 to 18 months.

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