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Plants as Friends

Each of the plants in our living rooms tells us its own story.
One may come from a distance forest in New Zealand, where it grows by the side of a clear brook. Another winds itself around the branches of a tree, somewhere in a tropical jungle, sometimes to a hight of dozens of feet. If we delve into the origin of all our house plants and try to imagine the atmosphere of their natural habitat, there is no doubt that the plants acquire an added dimansion.

It has been said that most animals and certainly plants, on a lower level of creation, have a community soul - that is, not an individual soul, as in the case of man. Аccording to this view plants can transmit "feelings" from one to the other. It is a fact genuine communication can be achieved. A few examples may tend to bear this out.
The investigations of the American Clive Backster are well-known; he examines plants with the aid of kind of lie decore. This apparatus measures the galvanic resistance of the skin in man, but Backster applies these measurements to plants. Fluctuations in resistance are noted by a pen on moving paper roll. 
Backster found that a plant under investigation reacted sharply whenever he destroyed another plant or threw a live shrimp into boiling water. Even the mere intention to do so resulted in a clear reaction from the plant, even at a distance. The  communication thus established between man and plant, animal and plant, or plant and plant, is not interrupted by placing the plant in a Faraday cage (a screened-off space), or even in a lead box. The  nature of the transference therefore lies outside the electrdynamic pattern of radiation, just as do other forces, such as those used in telepathy.
In 1956 J.I. Rodale discovered that cuttings grow better if the mother plant is still alive. It seems as if latter exudes something or other which protects and stimulates the cuttings. When he burned the mother plant, cuttings taken from it thrived far less well then those from a control group, in which the mother plant remained undameged. The distance between mother plant and cuttings played little  or no part in these experiments.
I the US tests involving prayer meetings for plants were carried out by J.B. Rhine, a well-known personality in the field of parapsychological experiments, and the Rev. Franklin Loher. Various seeds were sown in two separate groups. Daily prayers were said for one group; the other had to manage without these good offices. You've guessed it: the plants for which prayers were said grew better. The result is equally positive if prayers are said for the water used for the plants.
Dr. Marcel Vogel, an IBM research druggist and radiographer, in 1971 stated that: "Plants have a demonstrable psyche; they have thought processes, and there are species which register every emotional reaction of human beings."
An exellent plant for experimentation is the philodendron.
 You might try it yourself. Perhaps you have an electronically minded friend who could make a lie detector for you.
Instructions may be found in hobby literature. Connect two stainless steel electrodes to the detector and attach it to the leaves of the plant. Resistance can be measured on the  principle of the Wheatstone bridge, but considerable amplification of the ohms variations registered is essential. The result can be  read fron millivoltmeter, or better still from a recording card.
Relax in a chair at a distance of about 1.50m (5ft) from the plant and concentrate your thoughts on the philodendron. Consider the beautiful structure of the plant whose divisions allow light to fall on the foliage below. Think how marvelously the plant will develop in your home into a miracle of perfection. After thus meditating for 20-30 min you should be aware of contact between the plant and yourself. You feel true affection for it.
Once communication has been established you will notice that the plant picks up your thoughts and that changes in the conductivity of foliage transform them into electrical impulses which will be recorded by the needle of the meter or on the paper roll. For instance, you might be planning to give the plant a welcome dose of liquid fertilizer to encourage its growts - and you will immediately note its reaction.
Anather interesting field of experiment is aura-photography.
This might be described as a plant's aura - one of the natural mysteries still to be solved. 
After 1 hour being picked as the leaf dies, the aura disappears. 
It is my personal opinion that all these experiments indicate that plants have a soul and that  it is possible to communicate with them. There is nothing new in that: we used to call it "having a green thumb." But now  it is possible to explain it better and confirm it.

Rob Herwing
The Methuen Encyclopedia of House Plants

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