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How to grow a Coffee Tree from a Seed

Being on vacation in Dominican Republic, I brought a lot of coffee seeds from there. Nowadays they are slowly but surely growing. 
I put them in soil, not deep, and after 2 - 2.5 months have appeared small three sprouts. 
 A good coffee tree to grow from seed is Coffea Arabica. The seeds germinate readily if sown fresh and without drying. That's why i've got just three sprouts.
At 4 months you have a plant, but it doesn't resemble coffee very much: the first primary leaves are an unusual lilly pad shape. These will fall off as the plant develops regular leaves.
Seedlings are particularly prone to damping off, so spray regularly with Captan or zineb once the seeds have germinated. This should be about 4-7 weeks. Always keep the coffee trees in a warm place and feed them occasionally.
Coffee prefers temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees C (60-75F), although if it’s within the range of 7-30 degrees C (45-85F), it will still grow quite well. Choose a shady spot, sheltered from cold or hot winds.

A coffee tree is photophilous. However,  it needs shading in the hot tropics. But low light it grows poorly and did not bear fruit. 
Young trees grow better with good, but scattered light. In the summer time they can be taken out into the fresh air, though not under the direct sun. The coffee tree capriciously, it does not like  changing position relative to the incident light. You will get uniformly leafy crown by turning the plant, but surely lose the crop. 
The coffee plant thrives under artificial plant lighting indoors.  The outside temperature in countries outside the Tropic belt is too volatile and too cold to allow the tree to develop. Water the tree twice per week in what is called a full watering and a half watering.  In a half watering, simply add some water to the soil and allow it to drain.  In a full watering, add water, allow it to drain, and then add water with fertilizer and allow it to drain.  The key is to keep the soil most, but well drained.
The Coffee tree needs to be watered regularly in summer. The water temperature should be a few degrees above room temperature. Water for irrigation should be soft, the rain water. 

The Coffee tree relatively tolerates dry air . It appreciates spraying , especially in hot weather . From spring to autumn , except in the flowering period , arrange a warm shower for your coffee tree once a week  .

After two or three years flowering and possibly cherries can be expected, but do not expect high-quality coffee unless you are at a high altitude and are monitoring the conditions of the artificial microclimate carefully.  For more coffee growing details please see the rest of the agriculture section.  In theory, it is feasible to grow a high-quality coffee at home under the right conditions.

To spur flowering, wait until the beginning of winter and significantly reduce watering for 2-3 months.  When Spring begins water the plant well, which should shock it into producing flowers.  From this point forward, water well and regularly.  Arabica coffee is self-fertilizing so you will not need to worry about pollinating.

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