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Vandachostylis Dainty

Recently,  I bought Vandachostylis Dainty from Ching Hua, the vendor from Taiwan on our Orchid Show.
It is such a lovely plant!
And I love its  light delicate purple flowers .
Taking care of Vandas and its hybrids is challenging if you don't have a greenhouse. They are high-light orchids. They don't like to be potted, and their roots prefer to splay out into the air. Most Vanda's species come from low altitudes and require warm temperature, ample water and air movement
If anyone has some tips for growing this gorgeous plant, please share :-)

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask me, and I will reply as soon as possible.


  1. Purchased this hybrid 3 months ago and is growing well in semi-hydro and under T5 indoor lighting. In my opinion this is an easy to grow, compact vanda hybrid! I am hoping to see blooms in the spring.
