I'm inviting fans of exotic plants to participate in discussions. I would be glad your comments of interest subjects! If you have a desire to share your knowledge and experience by posting articles on the website, you are welcome!
Quite often we buy bare-root orchids from international vendors. Based on my experience, a lot of those orchids are losing their roots in the next few months. So, there was a question, What Have I Done Wrong? How To Take Care Of Plants in This Case?
There are some recommendations of one of our members of the Society.
Ascocentrum miniatum
This is Ascocentrum miniatum, an intermediate to warm growing orchid. The plants are typically compact and resemble miniature vandas.
Encyclia randii
Here is a picture of my Encyclia randii. It's very fragrant, by the way!!!
#Encyclia is a genus of epiphytic orchids, segregated from Epidendrum, and extremely variable. Encyclias are related to the other Cattleya alliance orchids, and require somewhat similar care. So, bright light is recommended.
#Encyclia is a genus of epiphytic orchids, segregated from Epidendrum, and extremely variable. Encyclias are related to the other Cattleya alliance orchids, and require somewhat similar care. So, bright light is recommended.
Cym. Pauwelsii 'Kessander' WOW!!!
Attached is another photo of Jerry Kessler ‘s Cym. Pauwelsii 'Kessander' CCE/AOS 96 pts BEFORE the trip to judging at Boylston this past weekend. Absolutely AMAZING!!
How to Grow Vandas at your Home?
I love Vandas very much ... actually, growing this plant is not a rocket science if you have a greenhouse. However, it's become a rocket science for me trying to grow this gorgeous plant at home, even though I'm not a beginner in growing orchids.
Cymbidium goeringii
Bpl. Golden Peacock (Bl. Richard Mueller x Psh. vitellina)
I bought this plant on our annual orchid show. Bpl. Golden Peacock is a hybrid of Bl. Richard Mueller and Prosthechea vitellina, originally Epidendrum vitellina, which gives this hybrid the bright orange color and the high bud count.
Catt. Irene Teo Lai Kheng (C.Aloha Case x C. coccinea)
One of my recently purchased plans is Catt. Irene Teo Lai Kheng (C.Aloha Case x C. coccinea). Beautiful miniature orchid with a big flower.
Catt. Warscewiczii var coerulea
Cattleya warscewiczii: Colombia. Discovered in the province of Medellin, Colombia, around 1848 or 1849, by Warscewicz, the prominent orchid collector, the bulk of the shipment was lost through a breakdown of the vessel conveying the plants down the Magdalena River, but herbarium specimens were saved and sent to Reichenbach.